Tree Maintenance & Selection

When it comes to tree maintenance it is important to give trees the best chance possible and when it comes to planting trees tree selection is very important. Pick the right tree for the right place. For trees to thrive, you need to know what you are planting and why. Before you choose a tree to plant in your garden, you may want to answer the following questions.

  • Why am I planting this tree?
    Are you planting for shade purposes? Will the tree create a screening for privacy or block an unwanted view? Or will the tree create aesthetic value to your garden? Trees form an important part of the framework of any garden but when you choose a tree you want something that’s going to look good, grow well and have a good structure. Do I want a deciduous tree or an evergreen?
  • Have I chosen the right location?
    Will the tree create unwanted shade? Are there overhead or underground restrictions, such as; electrical wires, buildings and structures or underground services? Will the tree block a neighbour’s view or cause a dispute? Will falling leaves pose a problem?
  • Is it right for the future?
    What size and shape will the tree be at maturity? Will it still fit your landscape when it’s full grown? Will it be big enough to suit your needs? Always remember that you’re planting for the future. A two metre tall tree may look fantastic today, but in 10 to 20 years, it may dominate much of your yard, overpower your house, clog your sewer and cause problems with power lines.
  • Is it the right tree for your area?
    Is the tree suited to the climate? Will it cope with the seasons? Do you have the right type of soil? Is the tree susceptible to pest and disease? Certain trees won’t cope in different climates. It’s important to choose a plant that will match the climate you are planting in. Also wind and weather play a role. How hardy is the plant? Some plants are more prone to pest and disease.
  • How do I know I am buying a healthy tree?
    Nursery stock must be inspected carefully to pick high quality trees. Pay particular attention to the roots. Trees of poor quality may be inexpensive, but will perform poorly. Quality factors to evaluate include root ball defects, size, shape, and structure of the canopy, nursery planting depth, presence of defects, trunk form and branch arrangement, pruning cuts, presence of pests and disease, leaf colour, top die-back, clear trunk length, and canopy uniformity.
  • How should I plant my tree?
    The most common mistake when planting a tree is digging the hole either too deep or too narrow. Too deep and the roots will be starved of oxygen. Too narrow and the root system can’t expand adequately. As a general rule, trees should be transplanted no deeper than the soil in which they were originally grown.

    Another factor is water pooling. This occurs when the sides and bottom of a hole become smoothed forming a barrier. This usually occurs in heavy clay soils where water has trouble draining.

    When you have planted your tree give it regular deep soakings. Moisture should penetrate deep below the soil surface to encourage ideal root growth. Mulching is another good way to conserve water. With a little care your trees should thrive and be a great asset to your property.
  • Do I need to build up the soil level around a tree?
    Never build up the soil level around a tree. Such a practice shuts off the roots from their vital supply of oxygen and may slowly strangle the tree to death.
  • Do I need to fertilise my trees?
    Mature healthy trees do not necessarily need fertilising. It is a common mistake people make thinking they are helping the tree. In fact this can be detrimental to the trees health. Talk to a qualified arborist before fertilising a mature tree. In some circumstances regular fertilising of lawns has led to the surrounding trees going into decline and eventually dying from over fertilisation.
  • I have ugly large roots from a tree. Shall I remove them?
    Removing large or major roots from a tree will have a detrimental effect on the health of the tree, by;
    • Weakening its structure
    • Stressing the tree
    • Encouraging disease
    Any of these could lead to the tree dying. Damaging the roots can also lead to suckers growing in some species and is another sign the tree is under stress.
  • What are the benefits of mulching my garden?
    There are many benefits from mulching your garden. Mulching:
    • Saves water—mulch protects the soil from the drying effects of sun and wind
    • Improves plant growth, it stabilises soil temperature, eliminating extremes of heat and cold
    • Reduces weeds
    • Improves soil structure, worms and other soil organisms feed on organic mulch and improves soil fertility and drainage
  • How important is pruning to the health of my tree?
    Correct pruning and maintenance are vital to ensure that the health and stability of your trees are maintained. Incorrect pruning methods can damage a tree, create unwanted regrowth or aesthetically ruin a tree. Once a tree has been badly pruned or lopped the damage is irreversible and the tree will never return to its former state.

Need more information? Contact us now for our tree maintenance service.